
Title: Gerson's Story

Description: Gerson Cardona is a Police Chaplain who used to live a very different life. Today he and his family live their lives in celebration of the way Jesus rescued them from a difficult situation. This is the story of how his life was changed forever.

This video was filmed and edited by Caleb Eno.
Title: IndyCC 2011 Promotional Video

Description: This video was developed as a promotional for The Indy Christmas Conference 2011. All of the video was filmed and edited by Caleb Eno. The sound track was downloaded from Jamendo and was composed by Greendjohn. The song is "Innocent Sleep" on the album DigitaLegend.

The video was later re-edited by ZeroCanvas to shorten it. That recording included a different voice actor and soundtrack. This version was not officially used to promote IndyCC 2011.
Title: Pizza Wars

Description: This is a human interest piece developed by Caleb Eno and Jill Henshaw for Muskingum University's TV station.
Title: Design Corps

Description: This is a human interest piece developed by Caleb Eno and Jill Henshaw for Muskingum University's TV station.